1. Establish Quorum and Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Citizens Participation.
Proclamation by Mayor DeOme, proclaiming the week of November 5 - 9, 2012, as Municipal Court Week in Lakeway.
Phase II of the Lakeway Boulevard Median Trail. Consider the use of Parkland Development Funds for construction of Phase II of the Lakeway Boulevard Median Trail, from Cold Water Lane to Crestview Drive.
Annexation: Lakeway Highlands GUI Tract. Consider a request from Las Ventanas Land Partners, Ltd., the owner of approximately 3.16 acres of land located north of Highlands Boulevard at the terminus of Peninsula Way, for annexation of the property. (This is the first of the two required public hearings.)
Amendment to the Municipal Code of Ordinances. Consider approving an ordinance establishing the process for vendors to offer sampling of food products at the Lakeway Farmers Market.
1. Establish Quorum and Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Citizens Participation.
Proclamation by Mayor DeOme, proclaiming the week of November 5 - 9, 2012, as Municipal Court Week in Lakeway.
Phase II of the Lakeway Boulevard Median Trail. Consider the use of Parkland Development Funds for construction of Phase II of the Lakeway Boulevard Median Trail, from Cold Water Lane to Crestview Drive.
Annexation: Lakeway Highlands GUI Tract. Consider a request from Las Ventanas Land Partners, Ltd., the owner of approximately 3.16 acres of land located north of Highlands Boulevard at the terminus of Peninsula Way, for annexation of the property. (This is the first of the two required public hearings.)
Amendment to the Municipal Code of Ordinances. Consider approving an ordinance establishing the process for vendors to offer sampling of food products at the Lakeway Farmers Market.