1. Establish Quorum and Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Citizens Participation.
Receive a presentation of the feasibility study (part one) for an arts and conference center from Janis Barlow and Associates.
Consider approving an agreement for professional services with Janis Barlow & Associates for part two of a feasibility study for an arts and conference center. • Staff report by Steve Jones, City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Consider approving a letter of agreement with Peters Group Public Relations regarding marketing and public relations services. • Presentation and report by Jim Reiners, Chairman, Lakeway Visitor's Commission • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Approve a resolution relating to establishing the city's intention to reimburse itself for the prior lawful expenditure of funds relating to the purchase of land approved by the voters November 4, 2014 from the proceeds of tax- exempt obligations to be issued by the city • Staff report by Steve Jones, City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Zoning Change: Cherry Mountain. Consider a request from Aqualand Lakeway Medical Development, the agent for the owner of approximately 6.2 acres of land located behind Lakeway Regional Medical Center on Wild Cherry Drive, for a zoning change from R-l (Single Family Residential) to C-l (Office/Light Retail). • Staff report by Chessie Zimmerman, Deputy City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Approve an ordinance amending the city of Lakeway code of ordinances chapter 6, business regulations; to adopt amendments to article 6.06, entitled hotel occupancy tax, to provide for a commission that promotes tourism and provides oversight of the hotel occupancy tax in accordance with state law. • Staff report by Steve Jones, City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Enter into Executive Session. No action will be taken in Executive Session. • Consultation with City Attorney regarding a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition in Parcel 16A of: the fee simple interest for ±0.910 acres (±39,639 SF) in the CW Waldron Survey No. 78, Abstract No. 821 and the JP Warnock Survey No. 56, Abstract No. 2204, in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of Lots 1-4 and Lots 26-28 of Cherry Knoll Farms, a Subdivision of record in Document No. 201400176 of the official public records Travis County, Texas, and a portion of Com 2, Cherry Knoll Farms Commercial Plat, a Subdivision of record in Document No. 201400177 of the official public records Travis County, Texas, and a temporary construction easement for ±0.023 acres (±1,003 SF), in the JP Warnock Survey No. 56, Abstract No. 2204, in Travis County, Texas being a portion of Com 1, Cherry Knoll Farms Commercial Plat, a Subdivision of record in Document No. 201400177 of the official public records Travis County, Texas, both for the Flint Rock Road Improvement Project; situated in the City of Lakeway, Travis County, Texas. (551.071, Consultation with City Attorney). • Consultation with City Attorney regarding the timing and estimated debt structure of pending general obligation bonds and the method of the sale. (551.071, Consultation with City Attorney).
1. Establish Quorum and Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Citizens Participation.
Receive a presentation of the feasibility study (part one) for an arts and conference center from Janis Barlow and Associates.
Consider approving an agreement for professional services with Janis Barlow & Associates for part two of a feasibility study for an arts and conference center. • Staff report by Steve Jones, City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Consider approving a letter of agreement with Peters Group Public Relations regarding marketing and public relations services. • Presentation and report by Jim Reiners, Chairman, Lakeway Visitor's Commission • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Approve a resolution relating to establishing the city's intention to reimburse itself for the prior lawful expenditure of funds relating to the purchase of land approved by the voters November 4, 2014 from the proceeds of tax- exempt obligations to be issued by the city • Staff report by Steve Jones, City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Zoning Change: Cherry Mountain. Consider a request from Aqualand Lakeway Medical Development, the agent for the owner of approximately 6.2 acres of land located behind Lakeway Regional Medical Center on Wild Cherry Drive, for a zoning change from R-l (Single Family Residential) to C-l (Office/Light Retail). • Staff report by Chessie Zimmerman, Deputy City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Approve an ordinance amending the city of Lakeway code of ordinances chapter 6, business regulations; to adopt amendments to article 6.06, entitled hotel occupancy tax, to provide for a commission that promotes tourism and provides oversight of the hotel occupancy tax in accordance with state law. • Staff report by Steve Jones, City Manager. • Citizen participation/public hearing. • Council discussion.
Enter into Executive Session. No action will be taken in Executive Session. • Consultation with City Attorney regarding a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition in Parcel 16A of: the fee simple interest for ±0.910 acres (±39,639 SF) in the CW Waldron Survey No. 78, Abstract No. 821 and the JP Warnock Survey No. 56, Abstract No. 2204, in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of Lots 1-4 and Lots 26-28 of Cherry Knoll Farms, a Subdivision of record in Document No. 201400176 of the official public records Travis County, Texas, and a portion of Com 2, Cherry Knoll Farms Commercial Plat, a Subdivision of record in Document No. 201400177 of the official public records Travis County, Texas, and a temporary construction easement for ±0.023 acres (±1,003 SF), in the JP Warnock Survey No. 56, Abstract No. 2204, in Travis County, Texas being a portion of Com 1, Cherry Knoll Farms Commercial Plat, a Subdivision of record in Document No. 201400177 of the official public records Travis County, Texas, both for the Flint Rock Road Improvement Project; situated in the City of Lakeway, Travis County, Texas. (551.071, Consultation with City Attorney). • Consultation with City Attorney regarding the timing and estimated debt structure of pending general obligation bonds and the method of the sale. (551.071, Consultation with City Attorney).